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The Civic Minute: what’s happening at Citrus Heights City Hall?

The Citrus Heights City Council will meet Thursday night via Zoom to consider giving a $10,000 sponsorship to the Chamber of Commerce and making appointments to the Construction Board of Appeals. The police chief will also give his annual report on crime and trends during the meeting.

A summary of the city’s 210-page agenda packet for the March 11 City Council meeting is included below.

Financial Report. The council will consider receipt and filing of the city’s roughly 150-page Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. The report is required by state law and was audited by the accounting firm, Lance, Soll & Lunghard, LLP. The report shows an ending balance in the city’s General Fund Reserves of $4.5 million, among other extensive documentation of city financials.

Transportation funds. The council will consider receipt and filing of audited financial statements related to Transportation Development Act funds for the prior fiscal year. Total expenditures of $474,316 are listed for fiscal year 2020, primarily for administration and pedestrian/bike facilities. An auditor’s report from Richardson & Company, LLP, noted the city “omitted management’s discussion and analysis and budgetary comparison information.”

Salaries. The City Council will consider adopting an amended salary table listing pay ranges for city employee positions, as required by CalPERS. A staff report says there is “no fiscal impact” related to the item, as no compensation changes will occur. The amended salary table includes a new Information Technology Support Specialist position, and a revised title change for the Human Resources & City Information Director, which is now titled Administrative Services Director. The re-titled director position has a salary range listed from $142,858 to $188,933.

Appointments. The council will consider appointing a pair of applicants to fill two vacancies left on the five-member Construction Board of Appeals. The council initially made appointments in January, but only one person, Marcus Bergman, applied for three open positions at the time. Subsequently, residents James Cowger and Suzanne Fagundes have applied for the position and will be considered for appointment to the board by the council.

$10k sponsorship. The City Council will consider approving a $10,000 sponsorship request from the Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce. Funds are proposed to go to the chamber from the city’s $150,000 Economic Development Support Fund, and the city would receive an extensive list of sponsorship benefits in return. The city has approved Chamber sponsorships for the same amount in prior years.

Annual police report. Police Chief Ron Lawrence is slated to provide the council with his department’s 2020 Annual Report, which traditionally covers crime trends over the prior year and other department highlights.

Public comments for Thursday’s meeting can be submitted to, with up to 250 words. Those interested in joining the council meeting via Zoom can find links posted in the council’s agenda packet. (click here)

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