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Man dead after Monday night shooting in Citrus Heights neighborhood

Police blocked off a section of Gallant Circle in Citrus Heights, following a shooting on Feb. 1, 2021. // CH Sentinel

By Mike Hazlip—
Sirens and sounds of a helicopter could be heard near Sylvan Corners on Monday evening as police responded to a shooting in the area.

Citrus Heights Police Sgt. Eric Dias told The Sentinel in a phone call Monday night that officers responded to the 7600 block of Gallant Circle and found an adult male in his 50s who had been shot. The incident occurred shortly before 8 p.m.

Dias said officers provided first aid to the man until paramedics arrived. The man was then transported to a nearby hospital where he later succumbed to his injuries.

Police said the initial call came in from a resident who said he had shot someone in his driveway. Both individuals involved knew each other, according to Dias.

“An altercation started in front of the house between these two people and ultimately ended with one person being shot by the other,” Dias said.

Dias said the reporting party was not in custody. Police scanner radio traffic during the incident indicated the man who fired shot(s) had a concealed carry permit for a firearm, but Dias could not confirm this or other details about the incident.

He said the investigation was in the early stages and stated more information would be released as it becomes available.

An update on this story will be included in The Sentinel’s Midweek Edition on Thursday. Sign up free to get two emails a week with all local news and zero spam. Click here to sign up.

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