Sentinel staff report–
The Citrus Heights City Council will hold a public meeting via Zoom on Thursday night to holding a hearing regarding the city’s housing goals, consider a $4 million offer from a developer to buy the former Sylvan Middle School property, and make appointments to various boards and commissions.
A summary of agenda items are included below, as listed in the council’s 451-page agenda packet for their Jan. 14 meeting.
Grant Contract. The council will consider approving a $53,000 contract with Rebuilding Together to administer the city’s “Critical Repair Grant Program,” which uses federal block grant funds to assist low-income households with HVAC, roofing and other repairs. According to a staff report, Rebuilding Together was the only bidder that responded to the city’s request for proposals.
Public Hearing. The council will hold a public hearing on a draft amendment to the city’s General Plan Housing Element, which is updated every eight years. The latest cycle will cover the 2021-2029 period, and includes policy goals and demographic data relating to housing. The draft plan targets adding at least 697 new housing units by 2029.
New Sylvan. City leaders will consider an offer from Woodside Homes which is seeking to purchase the 11.3-acre former Sylvan Middle School site to construct up to 93 homes. See more: Developer offers city $4M to buy Sylvan Corners lot. Here’s what would be built
Appointments. The council will select four residents to serve on the Planning Commission, from a pool of 13 applicants. The council will also make appointments to the city’s Construction Board of Appeals, as well as select council members to serve on various regional board and commissions.
The Jan. 14 council meeting will be held online via Zoom, with members of the public able to comment by using the “hand raise” function or dialing *9 if joining by telephone. Written comments up to 250 words can also be submitted by email to and will be read aloud during the meeting.
To join the public Zoom meeting, see links posted in the council’s agenda packet. (click here)