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LETTERS: Reaction mixed on city’s decision to raise speed limits

Latest letters from Citrus Heights residents express both support an opposition to the city’s decision to raise speed limits on four sections of roadway.

See Nov. 1st article: Speed limits on these 4 roads will soon be increased in Citrus Heights. Here’s why

Already too many roadway injuries, fatalities
I just read the article about raising the speed limits in Citrus Heights again for the third time and cannot believe what I am reading. This is concerning. The three named areas of raising the speed are three areas of high pedestrian fatalities in the last 5 years (one of whom was my son).

Was the number of deaths and injuries not computed in this decision or was this based solely on the 85th percentile figure? Is this what the residents want? Why was this not brought up for the vote ?

Regarding “a staff recommendation,” one city engineer and one policeman brought this up and the council unanimously approved it with limited discussion. I don’t think raising the speed limit will reduce pedestrian fatalities. Please, Citrus Heights council, make this make sense to me.
-Lisa Downing, Citrus Heights

Raising speed limit is a bad idea
I live on Antelope Road and it’s already a speedway. Realistically speeds are 50-60 mph down this road. Motorcycles are even worse. They race each other from Auburn to Sunrise all the time. What’s also bad are the number of people that walk down Antelope Road. Portions have no sidewalks. Whoever thought this was a good idea has lost their marbles.
-Sue Stack, Citrus Heights

How about changing city’s ‘welcome’ signs next?
I was pleased to see the city is finally raising the speed limit on several sections of roadway that were long overdue for a change. Now if we could just come up with a friendlier slogan on Citrus Heights city limits signs.

Visitors greeted with, “Welcome to Citrus Heights, SPEED LIMITS STRICTLY ENFORCED, doesn’t exactly start people out with a warm, fuzzy feeling when they enter our city, and lets be honest, those speed limits are not really being “strictly” enforced, either. There must be a more welcoming message we can give to visitors. Suggestions?
-Charles Kohler, Citrus Heights

Speeders should be cited instead
The drivers already go too fast on Antelope Road. By highering the speed limit the drivers are going to drive freeway speeds. How is that safe for anyone especially kids always walking and riding their bikes?? Mesa High School is right off of Antelope Road. How can that be safe?? Can’t even turn onto a street without almost getting rear-ended. Citrus Heights Police should be citing speeders. I do not agree with this at all.
-Camellia Ringo, Citrus Heights

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