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The Civic Minute: What’s happening at Citrus Heights City Hall

Sentinel staff report–
Citrus Heights City Council members will meet via Zoom video conferencing Thursday evening to hold a study session on improving roadway safety around schools, followed by a regular council meeting to vote on a sales tax proposal and initiate updates to various assessment districts in the city.

Here’s a summary of what’s on the City Council’s July 23 agenda:

Study Session. The council will hold a study session with city staff to discuss recommendations for the Carriage Drive/Lauppe Lane Safe Schools Corridor Plan. A prior study session with Planning Commissioners was held on July 22.

Assessment Districts. Roughly 100 pages of the agenda packet are devoted to three agenda items, all related to routine actions required for annual updates to various landscape and lighting assessment districts in the city. Assessment districts are areas with special fees tacked on to property taxes for certain parcels in the city to cover specific maintenance of areas associated with those parcels. Due to shortfalls in some districts, staff anticipate coming before the council later this year for a study session to avoid future shortfalls, “which may include a process for seeking assessment rate increases,” according to a staff report.

Sales Tax. The council will consider a recommendation from the City Manager to place a sales tax measure on the Nov. 3 ballot. The tax would fund city services with a projected additional $12 million in revenue, a significant boost to the current General Fund revenues of about $33 million. For more, see article: Citrus Heights considering new sales tax to boost budget by $12M per year

The July 23 council meeting will be held online via Zoom, with members of the public able to comment by using the “hand raise” function or dialing *9 if joining by telephone. Written comments up to 250 words can also be submitted by email to and will be read aloud during the meeting.

To join the public Zoom meeting, use the following link (click here), or see link posted in the council’s agenda packet.

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