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Sac County has $3.2M in unclaimed checks. Is your name on the list?

By Rylie Friesen-
Those looking to get some extra “stimulus” money might find it while perusing a list of uncashed checks published by Sacramento County earlier this month. 

Sacramento County has released a list of individuals, agencies and businesses  that have uncashed checks issued in their name. The list of names totals over 11,000 unclaimed checks, with a value of $3.2 million, according to the county’s website

Uncashed checks range in amounts of less than $20 to more than $10,000.

According to the county, unclaimed payments are documented whenever checks are issued and mailed out by the county but remain uncashed by the rightful payee after six months from the issue date. 

In 2018, the Citrus Heights Police Department was among the names found on the county’s list, with the department owed $73.05, stemming from a 2006 restitution case.

From 2018: CHPD surprised to find itself on list of unclaimed checks from county

Additional unclaimed checks that result from not having the current address of the recipient can be found at the Department of Revenue Recovery website.

The county’s list of unclaimed checks can be viewed online at the county’s Unclaimed County Warrants web page. In order to claim a check, recipients must provide proof of identity, including name, date of birth, and the amount of the claim.

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