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Citrus Heights Letters: COVID-19, masks, police services

Latest letters to the editor from Citrus Heights residents discuss COVID-19, stay-at-home orders, and police services.

Residents not following stay-at-home orders
Citrus Heights residents have not been following stay-at-home order at all; car washes have been open the whole lock down. This is sad no one has been enforcing the order.

A lot of the people in this community believe the virus is fake, therefore they don’t care. This is the reason the virus is spreading. We need some action in the community.
-Amanda Davidson, Citrus Heights

Virus reaction is about political gain
There is a lot of talk about deaths being recorded as COVID-19, whether it was the annual flu, heart attack, etc., and doctors are saying they are being pressured to list deaths as COVID-19. The people are losing their jobs and businesses to something which is believed to be for political gain and not about public safety.
–David Harlan, Citrus Heights

Happy to wear mask and gloves
Go ahead and not protect yourself, I am happy to protect myself and mask and glove up — it’s my right to not catch your exposure of illness. So right-fighters, go without protection and hope you survive your choice.
–Gail Bryning, Citrus Heights

We’d be better off with county government
It seems the usefulness of the City of Citrus Heights has come to an end. For too many years, the leaders and employees of the city have acted more for their own benefit than for the benefit of the residents of Citrus Heights.

Police services could be better served by contracting with the more professional and capable Sacramento County Sheriff’s department. Once you remove police services, why have a city? Better representation? I would beg to have the kind of responsive government my friends have in the county.
–Craig D. Allen, Citrus Heights

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