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Citrus Heights News Briefs: city love, obituary, cadet honored

Latest local news briefs include the city launching a new “things we love about Citrus Heights” campaign on social media, an obituary for a longtime resident of Citrus Heights, and a local cadet honored as the top athlete in his graduating class at the California Highway Patrol Academy.

City launches “14 days of things we love about Citrus Heights”
The City of Citrus Heights will be posting a new “things we love about “Citrus Heights” each day for the next 14 days. The city began its latest social media campaign on Saturday, with a post on Facebook titled: “We love our city’s incorporation history.” The post included an archive image showing several prominent citizens of the city from the early days of Citrus Heights. (See post)

Citrus Heights cadet honored as top athlete in CHP Academy
Spencer Inglett, a Citrus Heights native who graduated from the CHP Academy last month, was awarded top athlete in his class, according to an ABC 10 report. Inglett told the news station that going through the 29-week academy was “the hardest thing I’ve ever done.” (See ABC 10 story)

Obituary: Hope Jackson Burr (1938-2020)
Hope Jackson Burr, a longtime resident of Citrus Heights, passed away on Jan. 25, 2020. According to an obituary published Friday in The Sacramento Bee, she worked at the former Weinstock’s department store and then at Macy’s at Sunrise Mall. She is remembered for being a skilled seamstress, her love for growing plants and roses, her home cooked food and for being a “perfect hostess.” She was preceded in death by her husband and brother. (See full obituary)

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