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Citrus Heights Police Logs: ‘parrot guy,’ homeless, grand theft

Latest local police logs include a rash of more than 15 homeless-related calls, grand theft at Macy’s and problems with a man known as “the parrot guy.”

The following is a summary of select incidents listed in the Citrus Heights Police Department’s daily incident bulletins for Nov. 12, 2019.

Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019: Total of 75 incidents reported. Incident report categories of note: 20 calls regarding suspicious activities, 16 disturbance-related, 19 homeless-related, 1 petty theft, 1 grand theft, 3 burglaries, 4 assault reports, 3 hit-and-run collisions.

6:54 a.m., Graffiti Private Property, Sunrise Blvd. Graffiti was reported on numerous suites at an unspecified location on Sunrise Boulevard. Trash and debris were also reported in the parking lot.

7:44 a.m., Burglary, former Logan’s Roadhouse on Sunrise Blvd. Construction workers at the former Logan’s Roadhouse restaurant reported that the building had been broken into overnight, with unknown suspect(s) breaking glass and prying a door open. A tile saw, radio and other tools were reported missing.

8:50 a.m., Disturbance Loitering, SAS Shoes on Greenback Ln. A pair of homeless men, one known as “the parrot guy,” were reportedly behind the SAS Shoe store on Greenback Lane. One was sitting on an abandoned couch and the other “leaning over a shopping cart.” Police were told that one of the men “usually has a parrot, but not right now.”

9:15 a.m., Homeless Camp, San Juan Ave. Police were contacted by a property manager on San Juan Avenue who requested assistance with several homeless individuals sleeping in front of shops and on staircases in sleeping bags. The manager said human waste had also been found on the property.

9:53 a.m., Burglary, Holly Drive. A garage was reportedly burglarized overnight, with a car being rifled through and tools being stolen. Police were advised that the location has security cameras, but the caller was “having difficulties pulling up the recordings.”

10:27 a.m., Homeless Camp, Stock Ranch Nature Preserve. Police were notified of multiple transients camping and burning something with a toxic smell in the nature preserve behind Costco.

1:49 p.m., Collision Unknown Injury, Canelo Hills Dr. A driver reportedly passed out and hit a sidewall on a residential street. After being awoken by the person who called police, the driver then drove off and passed out again.

2:49 p.m., Assault, Greenback/Auburn. A homeless woman at a bus stop reportedly hit another woman and grabbed her hair.

2:57 p.m., Suspicious Vehicle, Sayonara Drive. A suspicious vehicle was reportedly seen on Sayonara Drive. No further details were listed.

3:17 p.m., Disturbance Loitering, Arcade Creek Manor on Auburn Blvd. Police were advised of issues with a transient man sleeping and defecating on a park bench.

6:11 p.m., Grand Theft, Macy’s Womens. Four females reportedly entered the Womens Macy’s store and stole about $2,000 in Nike’s and clothing. The shoplifters fled in a blue Toyota Corolla with a broken driver side rear window.

9:53 p.m., Shoplifting, Walmart on Auburn Blvd. Police were advised that a shoplifter had been taken into custody by Walmart loss prevention personnel.

Full logs: Nov. 12
*More recent logs had not been published by police, as of Nov. 23.

Looking for local arrest logs? click here

Note: The Sentinel compiles summaries of select local police incident bulletins each week as a service to the public, based on data available from CHPD. Police advise that the information included in daily bulletins are summaries of calls for service for each day, with information “deemed confidential” not included in the record. CHPD states that the information noted on its daily bulletins is what was reported to police by callers, or in person, and therefore “may or may not actually reflect the true content of an incident.”

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