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Column: Theater at Sunrise Mall still a great option to beat the heat this summer

Regal United Artists Sunrise Mall 4, is located off Sunrise Boulevard in Citrus Heights. // Thomas Sullivan

By Thomas J. Sullivan–
$3.99 movie tickets all day, every day. For a young family, you just can’t beat the price. Especially since school is out for the summer, and recent temperatures have broken the 100-degree mark.

The Regal United Artists Sunrise Mall 4 at 5926 Sunrise Mall opened 32 years ago when Sunrise Mall was fresh and new. It’s still going strong today, featuring popular second-run popular movies which haven’t yet been released to DVD.

Missed Disney’s live-action Dumbo the first time around? Catch it at the Regal UA Sunrise Mall 4. Need a superhero? Two recent releases, Marvel Studios Captain Marvel (PG-13) and DC Comics Shazam! (PG-13) are currently showing, as of June 27.

Ugly Dolls (PG), The Intruder (PG-13), Long Shot (R) and Penguins (G) are also now playing.

The theater is a definite throwback, and as close to the classic community movie theater which most of us grew up with. Locals agree that it’s a true survivor.

A small popcorn will set you back $6.99 and small fountain drink, just $5.69. Hot dogs and nachos are available for those with a heartier theater appetite.

Citrus Heights was once home to two popular drive-in movie theaters. The Citrus Heights Drive-In operated by General Theatrical Co., opened in 1955 and closed in 1985. The drive-in theater was located behind Harris Industrial Gases on Auburn Blvd. and now the site of the Auburn Oaks Apartments.

A second popular drive-in movie theater, the Sunrise Drive-In, opened on July 3, 1963, with parking for 1,258 cars, was located not far from the Sunrise Mall just across the city line in Fair Oaks. It was demolished in 2004.

The Regal UA Sunrise Mall 4 is a delightful way to spend a hot afternoon in air-conditioned comfort. The theater staff is very friendly and friendly, the popcorn fresh and while small, few of the four individual screens where no reserved seating is offered, are rarely crowded. The theater changed from 35mm to digital film two years ago when it upgraded its sound system.

Concession discounts using a Regal Card are offered on Tuesdays when a combo pack of a medium drink and popcorn is offered for $14.66.  A children’s pack of popcorn and a juice drink is $7.06.

The Regal United Artists Sunrise Mall 4 is located at 5926 Sunrise Mall. Call: (844) 462-7342 for ticket information and showtimes.

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