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Guest Opinion: Sunrise Mall doesn’t have to die.

Sunrise Mall, Citrus Heights
File photo, Sunrise Mall. // Citrus Heights Sentinel

Guest opinion by Citrus Heights resident Deena Crawford–
As a lifelong resident of Citrus Heights and a Macy Plaza Drive apartment dweller, my heart breaks on an almost daily basis as I drive to work and see the remains of our once grand and bustling mall.

You can’t tell me that nothing can be done because of our changing economy and shift toward online shopping as opposed to brick and mortar shopping. Mind you, I’m no developer or visionary, but I have eyes to see a vastly different scenario happening in Roseville at the Fountains — more modern and metro restaurants and shops.

The Galleria’s more in-demand stores and eateries attract the more discerning shopper and dinner, and so the Citrus Heights consumer is attracted to the Roseville marketplace’s more welcoming and attractive environment, leaving our little mall in the dust, quite literally.

And why? Well, we have eyes to see when a New York firm buys up a property and doesn’t maintain the property. Parking lot full of pot holes, abandoned buildings with weeds 3 feet high, once-trimmed shrubbery looking like dying forest shrubs, empty shops looking like they will never come to life again.

It just looks like lost hope. It appears abandoned. It looks like someone bought the heart of Citrus Heights and could care less if it slowly dies.

I, for one, have not lost hope. Downtown Sac has come back to life, so can we. Am I wrong??

Hey, what can I say? I’m Citrus Heights proud, baby. I believe that one day we will blow Roseville clean out of the water.

Maybe start with supporting our mall and avoid shopping Roseville when possible? Maybe Namdar Realty Group, the new owners of Sunrise mall, could pitch in a wee bit of effort and money?

I’m hopeful and waiting, fingers crossed.

Deena Crawford is a lifelong resident of Citrus Heights and the author of this guest opinion column. The Sentinel welcomes guest opinions and letters to the editor from local residents. Click here to submit one.

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