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City to host workshop for public input on Old Auburn Road improvement plan

Old Auburn Road, Citrus Heights
File photo, Old Auburn Road at Mariposa Avenue. // CH Sentinel

Sentinel staff report–
The City of Citrus Heights will hold a community workshop this Tuesday, March 26, to receive public input on a major improvement plan for a high-traffic portion of Old Auburn Road, from Sylvan Corners to just beyond Fair Oaks Boulevard.

The workshop will be held from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Holy Family Catholic Church in the St. Joseph Hall, located at 7817 Old Auburn Rd. The city says attendees are invited to drop by anytime during the two-hour workshop and do not need to stay for the entire time.

In a handout regarding the workshop, the city says Old Auburn Road has been identified as an important transportation corridor, but the street also faces concerns from the community about “pedestrian and bicyclist safety, high vehicle speeds, and a lack of pedestrian crossings, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and lighting.” The Old Auburn Road Complete Streets Plan seeks to evaluate current transportation conditions on Old Auburn Road, between Auburn Boulevard and Garry Oak Drive, and identify how to improve safety on the road.

Related: Police, city working to address crashes at Old Auburn Road intersection

In January of last year, the City Council accepted a $190,000 grant from Caltrans to develop a complete streets plan for Old Auburn Road. In August, the council unanimously awarded a $195,850 contract to Fehr & Peers for professional services to begin development of the plan, which included plans for “a robust community engagement process, evaluation of existing conditions and deficiencies to define community based solutions, address concerns, increase safety and transform Old Auburn Road into a Complete Street.”

According to the city’s website, a “complete street” refers to “a transportation design and operation philosophy that intends streets to be safe, convenient and comfortable for all users, regardless of age, ability, or how one feels while traveling.” Related improvements “can include, but are not limited to, sidewalks, bike lanes, bus pull-outs, and traffic calming measures such as center medians and street trees.”

When the Old Auburn Road Complete Streets Plan is finished, the city says the plan will be used to “seek funding for final design and construction of the improvements.”

EDITORIAL: Citrus Heights traffic is terrible. Could this be a solution?

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