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Here’s the top 10 photos of Citrus Heights trees recognized by the city

Sentinel staff report–
The City Council recognized five photographers on Thursday night for their entries in a recent Tree Photo Contest the city sponsored as a way to celebrate the urban forest in Citrus Heights.

A total of 44 entries were received between October 2018 and Jan. 31, 2019, according to a staff report presented to the City Council. Of the entries, city staff selected 25 top photos and then shared them on social media for “liking.” Ten photos were then chosen to represent two categories, solid roots and new growth, based on the city’s new branding slogan.

>>See all 10 photos at end of article

Photographers recognized during the March 14, 2019, council meeting were Nalini Singh, Jim Cunningham, Tonya Wagner, Kristen Watson and Jeff Reuber. Cunningham and Singh each submitted multiple photos that made it to the top 10 list.

The photographers who were present during the council meeting received recognition by the City Council and a small gift certificate to Lowe’s. Honorable mention was also made for two additional photos, one was submitted by a city employee and another from a resident who wanted to share the photo she took but not officially enter the contest.

Contest guidelines allowed non-residents to submit photos, but required photos to have been taken within the city limits of Citrus Heights. City employees were not eligible to win.

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