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Increased DUI patrols planned throughout St. Patrick’s Day weekend

Sentinel staff report–
Police in Citrus Heights and around the state are increasing DUI patrols for St. Patrick’s Day weekend, a holiday often associated with drinking.

Citrus Heights Police Lt. Kris Frey told The Sentinel on Friday that the local department will be deploying DUI “saturation patrols” each night during the holiday weekend, beginning March 15 and concluding March 17. The additional patrol officers will focus solely on pulling over drivers showing signs of impairment.

Q&A: Why do police announce DUI checkpoints in advance?

The department is known for deploying increased patrols during holidays, most recently on Super Bowl Sunday, as a way to combat drunk and drugged driving. Police also typically announce DUI enforcement operations in advance, in an effort to cause drivers to think twice about getting behind the wheel drunk.

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