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The Civic Minute: what’s happening at Citrus Heights City Hall (March 14)

Drones. Housing report. Barrier fencing. General Plan report. Public hearing. Districting. Tree contest. Those are some of the topics on the Citrus Heights City Council’s agenda for Thursday night’s council meeting.

Here’s a brief summary of what’s included in the council’s 69-page agenda packet for March 14, 2019:


REGULAR MEETING ( 7:00 p.m.)

Tree photos. Winners of the city’s tree photo contest will be announced and awards will be given during a special presentation at the beginning of the council meeting.

Infrastructure project. Council members will consider final acceptance of the city’s 2018 Accessibility and Drainage Improvement Project, which is now complete and was finished by contractor Central Valley Engineering & Asphalt, Inc., under budget at about $4,000 lower than the original budget of $755,607. The project used Stormwater Utility funds and federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to perform “construction of 36 Americans-with-Disabilities-Act-compliant curb access ramps, repairs to failed sections of curb, gutter and sidewalk, and corrected a number of minor drainage deficiencies on residential streets,” including a section of sidewalk in front of the Ranch Motel, according to a staff report.


  • HUD report.  A public hearing will be held prior to the City Council’s consideration of a resolution to approve a Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) to the U.S. Department Of Housing and Urban Development. The report is required annually to assess the city’s progress on housing and related goals, including how federal CDBG funds were used. The 20-page draft report can be viewed online by clicking here.
  • Districting. The second of five public hearings related to splitting the city into voting districts will be held during the City Council meeting, a move the council opted to take after receiving a demand letter from an attorney in December that alleged a voting rights act violation tied to the city’s current at-large method of electing council members. According to the council’s agenda, the public hearing will allow the council to “continue to receive input regarding appropriate districting criteria and communities of interest.” A third public hearing will take place on May 23, where public testimony will be received regarding draft district maps. Related: “New interactive map lets residents draft lines for Citrus Heights voting districts.”


  • General Plan. The council will consider a staff recommendation to formally accept a 2018 General Plan Annual Progress Report, showing progress on the city’s 66 development goals laid out in its General Plan. The report is required to be annually submitted to the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, as well as the Department of Housing and Community Development. The 23-page report can be viewed in the council’s agenda packet.
  • Drones. A department report will be made at the conclusion of the meeting with an update on the police department’s drone program and a related partnership with the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District.

The City Council meeting will be held in the council chambers at 6360 Fountain Square Drive, beginning at 6:15 p.m. with the study session. The full agenda packet can be viewed by clicking here.

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