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LETTERS: proposed apartment complex, future of Sunrise Mall

SummerHills apartments Citrus Heights
A rendering shows how a proposed 22-unit apartment complex would look behind Raleys. // Source: Planning Division website

Latest letters and comments from Sentinel readers address plans for a 22-unit apartment complex behind Raley’s, and the future of Sunrise Mall.

By Melissa Jastraub, Citrus Heights–
[RE: 22-unit apartment complex proposed behind Citrus Heights Raley’s; March 9th]  The lot is way too small to build a 22-complex apartment building. It will bring down the property value of homes in the area and will cause a lot of traffic going in and out of the neighborhood. Overall, it isn’t a very good idea and my neighbors and I do not agree with it. Thanks for reading.

Other Letter(s):

By Joel Dyer, Citrus Heights–
[RE: City’s new hire seeks to boost business in Citrus Heights; Feb. 28th] Regarding the empty commercial spaces, what would be nice is to have a new indoors RV storage area. There is such a demand for this and to utilize part of the Sunrise Mall to fulfill this need would be profitable.

From Facebook:

Janet B. — 22 families living on that corner would bring a lot more traffic to that neighborhood, to say nothing of the possibility of more noise and crime.

Steve B. — Seems like a lot of new development planning is going on? Do you think Citrus Heights will be proactive on building wider streets (Antelope, Auburn Blvd, and Sunrise) or let us all suffer for years? It’s obvious the city is going to need to confiscate people’s property to make bigger streets. The three streets I mentioned will need no less than one more lane each direction added. It’s already a nightmare. Bringing in more people is going to cause so much inconvenience to us all, unless the city is proactive. Government is usually reactive, so I think we are screwed.

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