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Citrus Heights Police Logs: homeless, stolen vehicle, flower shop theft

Latest police logs in Citrus Heights include reports of a homeless man “living in the 3rd base dugout” at a local park, a BMW being stolen while the vehicle was warming up, theft at a flower shop on Greenback Lane, and a woman reportedly seen walking on a residential street with a handgun.

The following is a summary of select incidents listed in the Citrus Heights Police Department’s daily incident bulletins for Monday, Jan. 14, 2019. Links to additional bulletins are also included below.

Monday, January 14, 2019: Total of 80 incidents listed.
Incident report categories of note: 22 calls regarding suspicious activities, 15 disturbance-related, 10 homeless/transient-related, no grand thefts, 9 petty thefts, 3 vehicle burglaries, 2 assault reports, 7 collisions, 2 stolen vehicles, and no reports of domestic violence.

3:55 a.m., Suspicious Circumstances, Arborelle Apartments on Sunrise Blvd. A woman called police shortly before 4 a.m. and said she had been “hearing voices from inside and outside her apartment” for the past three weeks.

7:08 a.m., Stolen Vehicle, Dicus Ct. Police were contacted after a BMW was reportedly stolen while it was being warmed up on a dead-end court, off Lichen Drive.

11:37 a.m., Homeless Camp, Stock Ranch Nature Preserve. A homeless camp was reportedly set up in the Stock Ranch Nature Preserve, near the dead end of Stock Ranch Road.

12:28 p.m., Fraud/Forgery, Argo Drive. A woman told police that an unknown suspect had impersonated her and re-mortgaged her home twice.

1:02 p.m., Petty Theft, Awesome Blossom Flowers on Greenback Ln. A petty theft incident was reported at a flower shop on Greenback Lane, near San Juan Avenue. The incident log described the theft only as “beer run & flowers.”

2:08 p.m., Collision Non Injury, Calvin Drive. Police were contacted after a vehicle reportedly went through a fence and hit a parked vehicle, near Calvin Drive.

2:24 p.m., Disturbance Loitering, Citrus Heights Community Center. Staff at the community center reported that a woman was believed to be using drugs in a back bathroom.

2:32 p.m., Robbery, Sunrise Mall. A gold ring was reportedly taken from a JC Penny employee at Sunrise Mall. The incident was categorized as robbery, indicating the ring was taken from the employee by force or threat of force.

2:40 p.m., Suspicious Circumstances, Cook/Mariposa. A woman was reportedly seen walking on Cook Avenue, carrying a black handgun.

3:24 p.m., Reckless Driving, Auburn/Oak Grove. A woman was reportedly seen driving northbound on Auburn Boulevard with a flat tire.

3:57 p.m., Disturbance Noise, Brookhaven Wy. Police received several calls alleging drug sales going on at a home on Brookhaven Way, as well as a continual issue with noise from a motorcycle at the same location. Complaints were also made regarding an “illegal room in the backyard and make shift trailer in the street for construction purposes.”

4:02 p.m., Disturbance Loitering, McDonald Field on Old Auburn Rd. A homeless man was reportedly “living in the 3rd base dugout” at McDonald Field. Six others were also reported living in the baseball area.

6:19 p.m., Petty Theft, Habit Burger on Sunrise Blvd. A mother called police and said an unknown woman had just stolen her child’s toy crown from off her head at Habit Burger.

6:47 p.m., Burglary Vehicle, Black Bear Diner on Madison Ave. A vehicle was broken into outside Black Bear Diner, with a wallet reportedly being stolen.

8:34 p.m., Petty Theft, Walmart on Auburn Blvd. Police were contacted after a man reportedly filled a shopping cart at Walmart with $100-500 of merchandise and then walked out without paying.

Full logs: Jan. 3 | Jan. 4 | Jan. 5 | Jan. 6 | Jan. 7 | Jan. 8 | Jan. 9 | Jan. 10 | Jan. 11 | Jan. 12 | Jan. 13 | Jan. 14

Looking for local arrest logs? click here

Note: The Sentinel compiles summaries of select local police incident bulletins each week as a service to the public, based on data available from CHPD. Police advise that the information included in daily bulletins are summaries of calls for service for each day, with information “deemed confidential” not included in the record. CHPD states that the information noted on its daily bulletins is what was reported to police by callers, or in person, and therefore “may or may not actually reflect the true content of an incident.”

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