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DUI crackdown in Citrus Heights continuing thru New Year’s

Sentinel staff report–
The Citrus Heights Police Department will be continuing a high-visibility enforcement campaign through Jan. 1, in an effort to keep drunk and drugged drivers off the road during the holiday season.

The department’s “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign kicked off with a DUI checkpoint operation on Dec. 14 and is continuing through New Year’s Day with additional officers being deployed on the streets to specifically target drivers exhibiting signs of intoxication.

In a news release about the campaign, police warned that DUI doesn’t only include alcohol, but also marijuana, some prescription drugs and even some over-the-counter medications that can cause impairment. The checkpoint operation held earlier this month resulted in one DUI drug arrest, along with 11 citations being issued for various traffic and vehicle code violations.

CHPD’s enforcement campaign is being held in partnership with the California Office of Traffic Safety and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which provide grant funding for the current campaign and other traffic safety efforts throughout the year.

Police said during the days surrounding Christmas and New Year’s last year, 25 people were killed and 643 people were injured on California roads.

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