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Citrus Heights police deploy dancing dino again in latest operation

Sentinel staff report–
The Citrus Heights Police Department’s dancing dinosaur was at it again recently, this time reminding drivers to not hold their cellphone while driving.

On Thursday, police posted a two-minute video on Facebook about their latest operation, which rapidly gained more than 4,000 views in less than 24 hours. The department’s costumed dinosaur could be seen dancing along busy streets while holding a sign with a large “no” symbol over the image of a cell phone.

“Officer T.E.D. Rex reminds you not to hold your cellphone while driving!” police said in a statement on social media, accompanying the video. The department also recommended alternatives like using hands-free Bluetooth devices, using talk-to-text, or using a dash mount for your phone, all of which are legal in California.

Citrus Heights police first deployed the dinosaur in October during a traffic safety campaign to educate motorists about yielding to pedestrians. The department said the dinosaur has been helpful in drawing motorists out of their normal habits and helping them pay closer attention to driving.

See prior story: Citrus Heights police deploy dinosaur in unusual traffic safety operation

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