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LETTERS: low-income housing, what about the middle class?

Sunrise apartments, Citrus Heights
A conceptual view provided by the developer shows plans for a 47-unit apartment complex at 7424 Sunrise Blvd. // Image courtesy: Jamboree

Latest letters to the editor address housing needs in Citrus Heights and the proposed 47-unit low-income housing project on Sunrise Boulevard.

Homes, condos for the middle class is what Citrus Heights needs
[RE: Low-income supportive housing for homeless proposed in Citrus Heights; Nov. 25When will cities realize that developing land for either the rich or the poor is hurting the middle? Why not make land available at less-than-market rate so developers can make housing available for middle class people? $500,000 is not middle class in Citrus Heights. But it’s great for Bay Area transplant people who are bad for our real estate market.

Making cheap housing in our cities just invites more crime and lowers surrounding property values. Homes lose value when multi-family homes are built nearby. Citrus Heights is better off building condos in the $330,000 range, rather than crime magnet value-dropping hovels for the poor.
Erik Newman, Citrus Heights

Proposed low-income housing is a great idea
[RE: Low-income supportive housing for homeless proposed in Citrus Heights; Nov. 25I think this plan for low-income housing is a wonderful idea! Many working families aren’t making enough to make ends meet with the rising rental costs. I think it would benefit the city immensely!
-Tammy Fernandez, Citrus Heights

Want to share your thoughts on homelessness in Citrus Heights? The Sentinel’s policy is to publish every letter that comes in. Click here to submit a letter to the editor.

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