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Longtime Citrus Heights police lieutenant hired as Auburn’s top cop

Ryan Kinnan, Citrus Heights, Auburn Chief of Police
Former Citrus Heights Police Lt. Ryan Kinnan, center, now serves as Chief of Police in Auburn. // Image credit: Auburn PD

Sentinel staff report–
Ryan Kinnan, who served as a lieutenant with the Citrus Heights Police Department until last Friday, now has the new title of Chief of Police for the City of Auburn.

The announcement was made Monday on the Auburn Police Department’s Facebook page, where Chief Kinnan was pictured in his new uniform alongside several members of Auburn PD.

Kinnan had been a member of CHPD since 2006, the year the department was formed, and most recently served as a lieutenant in the department’s Investigative Services Division where he oversaw the General Investigations Unit, Special Investigations Unit, and the Youth and Family Services Unit.

“I have been quite fortunate in my time with the Citrus Heights Police Department,” Kinnan told The Sentinel in an email on Friday. “It has been over 12 years since joining the newly formed agency and during this time I was able to take advantage of many opportunities and experiences that helped me grow and develop into a skilled leader.”

Kinnan, 42, also said he was excited to join and lead the Auburn Police Department. Auburn’s former police chief, John Ruffcorn, retired in August at age 51.

According to a 2016 article from the Lincoln News Messenger, Kinnan was also previously among three finalists being considered for the position of police chief in the City of Lincoln two years ago.

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