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Citrus Heights Police Logs: vandalism, stolen chips, stranded son

Latest police logs include reports of an employee stealing chips at Stones Casino, a knife-waving woman at the intersection of Greenback Lane and Auburn Boulevard, and a male who called police on his mother after she allegedly took his cell phone and money and left him at the mall.

The following is a summary of select incidents listed in the Citrus Heights Police Department’s daily incident bulletins for Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018. Additional logs for Nov. 4-9 are linked below.

Saturday, November 10, 2018: Total of 56 incidents listed.
Incident report categories of note: 16 calls regarding suspicious activities, 14 disturbance-related, 3 homeless/transient-related, 4 petty thefts, no grand theft, 2 burglaries, 3 assault reports, 5 collisions, 2 stolen vehicles and 2 reports of domestic violence.

8:46 a.m., Stolen Vehicle, Brookhaven Wy. A police report was made regarding a vehicle that was stolen overnight from a location on a residential street off Greenback Lane. Another stolen vehicle was reported later the same day at 7:06 p.m., from Autumn Ridge Apartments on Shadow Lane.

11:34 a.m., Suspicious Circumstances, Sunrise Mall. Police were advised that a dumpster behind the Mall’s movie theater had “a lot of blood in it.” No other details were included in the log description.

12:22 p.m., Disturbance Verbal, Rusch Park. A caller said he was confronted by a man with a gun in his backpack at Rusch Park. The caller said the man accused him of “taking his dog” and told him “the gun was for him.”

2:07 p.m., Suspicious Circumstances, Sunrise Animal Hospital on Sunrise Blvd. A man reportedly came into the veterinary hospital and was making “inappropriate comments” to employees.

2:16 p.m., Vandalism, Rusch Park. A toilet at the park had reportedly been damaged in a vandalism incident and was causing water to flood all over the floor.

2:31 p.m., Criminal Threats Report, Kingsmen Ave. Police were contacted by a cat owner who advised the dispatcher that a man had threatened to shoot their cat and said he “was going to get his gun.”

3:31 p.m., Suspicious Circumstances, Sunrise Mall. A male, whose age was not specified, called police and said his mother “took his cell phone, money and backpack and left him at the mall.”

3:35 p.m., Disturbance Verbal, Greenback/Auburn. A woman was reportedly “waving a knife at everyone around” while walking in the roadway near the intersection of Greenback Lane and Auburn Boulevard.

5:05 p.m., Petty Theft, Stones Casino. Police were contacted about an employee at Stones Casino who had been “stealing chips.”

7:05 p.m., Assault, McDonald’s at Greenback/Auburn. A man inside a vehicle outside McDonald’s was reportedly observed hitting and choking a female.

8:49 p.m., Burglary, Navion Dr. A home near Interstate 80 was burglarized by one or more suspects who reportedly entered through a side garage and shut power off to the house.

Full logs: Nov. 4 | Nov. 5 | Nov. 6 | Nov. 7 | Nov. 8 | Nov. 9 | Nov. 10

Looking for local arrest logs? click here

Note: The Sentinel compiles summaries of select local police incident bulletins each week as a service to the public, based on data available from CHPD. Police advise that the information included in daily bulletins are summaries of calls for service for each day, with information “deemed confidential” not included in the record. CHPD states that the information noted on its daily bulletins is what was reported to police by callers, or in person, and therefore “may or may not actually reflect the true content of an incident.”

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