Updated Oct. 8, 1:02 p.m.
Note: As part of The Sentinel’s 2018 coverage of local elections, we have asked a series of seven identical questions to each of the candidates running for a seat on the Citrus Heights City Council. The questions are designed to give each of the five candidates an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community and give voters an opportunity to learn more about each candidate’s life and background. More specific policy questions will be addressed in future articles. Candidates replied via email, and those who responded to each question in less than 100 words have their answers published word-for-word.
Al Fox, appointed city council member | Age: 73
Top endorsements: Supervisor Sue Frost, Sheriff Scott Jones, Connie Turner
Basic Bio: “I’m 73 years old and retired after a 30 year State law enforcement career. I have been married 48 years. My wife and I moved to Citrus Heights as our home in late 2000 for the small town, active community atmosphere. I have earned a Master’s Degree, served as Program Director for a college criminal justice program, served the city’s Citizens Law Enforcement Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission, two years as chairman. We have two children and four grandchildren. Their, and your children’s future is the driving force for my vision of what our community should be and can become.”
Why are you running for City Council?
“After I was selected to fill the unexpired term of former Councilmember Mel Turner I determined that I would fulfill the term and then, if I believed I could be an asset on the council, I would run for election. I believe I have strengths and understanding of the critical needs of our city to help us succeed in the coming four years as we plan for the end of net neutrality and begin to receive our property tax revenues. I want our city to grow economically with new and innovative housing, business and retail opportunities. I want our future generations of homeowners to see our city as a destination place to live, work and raise a family.”
What are two things you like most about living in Citrus Heights?
“First, I enjoy the small city nature of our community. We remain a city that has a personality that fosters strong neighborhoods and community involvement. We have experienced exciting community events in recent years and should again be part of our seasonal celebrations.
“Secondly, we are a young city that has disproven all those negative influences that claimed we would never succeed as a city. We have maintained our independence, grown our city infrastructure, and maintained a strong financial reserve in the process. We have been honored on the national scene as a model of how to do growth right. From our police department to our community center and city hall we have surpassed the expectations of our founding members.”
What are the top two things you’d like to change/improve in Citrus Heights, if any?
- Rebuild our retail infrastructure reflect the technical, retail, business and residential facilities to meet multiple needs of the community.
- Focus our growth in the Sunrise Mall/Sunrise Market Place as a potential retail and recreational center focused on walkability and family entertainment.
What are two books that have had the most influence on your life, and why/how?
The Bible
- As a documentary record of the rise of Christianity and theology.
- As a guiding resource in the study of the development of laws of nations in the ancient and modern world governments.
The Source, Michener
- A compilation of histories of the development of ancient European and middle-eastern countries with a focus upon the Jewish influences on the then known world.
What are three key principles that would guide your votes on the council?
- Is it honest, necessary and does it meet the needs of the community.
- Does it serve our whole community
- Will it have a positive impact on the development of our social, economic and/or educational needs now and for the future? Is it fiscally responsible?
What kind of volunteer work have you done for charities, churches or service organizations in the community?
- I have served on numerous parent/teacher forums and committees while my children were in elementary and high school.
- I served on the Citrus Heights Citizens Law Enforcement Advisory Committee that conducted public hearings on starting our own police department.
- I served 9 years on the Citrus Heights Planning Commission, two years as chairman.
City Council members are paid a small monthly stipend of $600 for their service. If elected, how do you plan to balance work life elsewhere with council responsibilities?
“I am retired after serving 30 years as a law enforcement officer for the California Department of Justice and the Department of Corrections. My retirement provides me the time and opportunities to serve our community without the constraints of a usual 40 hour/week employment position.”
See all candidate profiles: Election 2018: Meet the 5 candidates running for Citrus Heights City Council
*Editor’s Note: This profile was updated to include Fox’s basic bio information, which the candidate said was inadvertently left out of his initial response but was later submitted after publication.