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Alternate Map: how Citrus Heights voted in the 2018 primary

The following interactive map shows how each precinct in Citrus Heights voted during the 2018 primary election on June 5. Red indicates a precinct where the top two Republican candidates for governor together received more votes than the top three Democratic candidates, while blue indicates a precinct where combined votes for Democratic candidates was higher.

The map appears nearly identical to a map previously published by The Sentinel, which labeled precincts by red or blue depending on the party affiliation of the top vote-getter in each precinct. The only precinct to change color is in the northwestern corner of the city where the top vote-getter was Republican John Cox, but the combined vote totals for the three Democrat candidates exceeded the combined total of votes for both Cox and Republican Travis Allen.

To see how each neighborhood voted in Citrus Heights, click the interactive map below to see a breakdown of votes in each precinct. To compare with the other map, see story:  Citrus Heights: see how your neighborhood voted in the June election

*Data source for vote totals: Sacramento County Elections Division

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