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Steve Miller: candidate statement for 2018 Citrus Heights City Council race

Editor’s note: As a service to the public, The Sentinel is publishing candidate statements for each of the five residents who qualified to run for Citrus Heights City Council this year. 200-word statements were submitted by each candidate upon filing to run and will be published in the Sacramento County Voter Information Guide, which is direct-mailed to every voter. 

Steve “Sparky” Miller, age 60. Occupation listed: Mayor/Council Member.

Steve Miller

It is an honor to serve on your City Council for over twelve years. During my tenure, we started our Citrus Heights Police Department and built our 911 Call Center, Community Center and City Hall. We have done this without incurring any debt or increasing taxes.

We have made steady progress improving our major roads. We have reduced the number of homeless and by no coincidence, property crimes as well. We will start maximum code enforcement on absentee landlords to fix blighted rental properties. We will also continue adding professional jobs to Citrus Heights, find funding to pave our residential streets and insist the San Juan Unified School District improve our schools to attract younger families.

As your representative on the Sacramento Regional Transit District, I introduced SmaRT Ride in Citrus Heights. This first ever citywide on-demand transit service is now being replicated throughout the country.

I have the proven experience of building success in Citrus Heights, listening to you and addressing issues head on. As your Mayor, I am working with regional developers to reinvent the Sunrise Mall.

These are critical years for Citrus Heights and not years we want to be led by inexperienced candidates. Together we have so much more to accomplish and I respectfully ask for your vote for re-election.

According to the Elections Code, a 10-calendar day public review period of candidate statements extends through Aug. 20, during which period “any person may seek a Writ of Mandate or injunction requiring any or all of the material in the candidate statement to be amended or deleted.”

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