Latest police logs include reports of a transient woman exposing herself at Van Maren Park, a man being threatened by someone with a power drill, and a furious fast food customer.
The following is a summary of select incidents listed in the Citrus Heights Police Department’s daily incident bulletins for July 30, 2018. Additional logs for July 28-29 are linked below.
Monday, July 30th, 2018: Total of 91 incidents listed.
Incident report categories of note: 27 calls regarding suspicious activities, 16 disturbance-related, 9 homeless-related, 2 collisions, 1 grand theft, 7 petty thefts, 3 criminal threat reports, 2 assault with weapon reports, and 1 domestic violence report.
8:10 a.m., Suspicious Vehicle, Parkoaks/Parkcrest. A white Subaru station wagon was observed parked with a person sleeping in it, who reportedly had also defecated outside of the vehicle. Disposition not listed.
10:25 a.m., Indecent Exposure, Van Maren Park on Thalia Wy. A transient woman was reportedly observed with her pants down exposing her genitalia in the park. The woman began rolling around in the grass when attempted contact was made. Disposition not listed.
11:32 a.m., Criminal Threats, Gardenvine Ave. A man told police that he was repeatedly getting calls from a woman he has a restraining order against. He said a text message had been received at 4 a.m. stating there was “a hit out on him.” Disposition not listed.
4:10 p.m., Homeless Camp, Oak Ave. Four homeless men were found in storage lockers and were reportedly confrontational and cussing. Police were notified that the four men also appeared to be under the influence of meth. Disposition not listed.
4:42 p.m., Suspicious Circumstances, Sunrise Blvd. Three subjects were reportedly seen selling tools out of their vehicle between Noodles & Co. and Walmart. Disposition not listed.
5:04 p.m., Burglary Vehicle, Marshall’s on Greenback Ln. A man was reported to police after he was allegedly seen attempting to get into a vehicle by using a coat hanger. Disposition not listed.
5:58 p.m., Disturbance Verbal, Carl’s Jr. on Sunrise Blvd. An irate customer in his 30s reportedly got in the face of a female employee. Disposition not listed.
6:55 p.m., Reckless Driving, Mariposa/Kensington. A man was reportedly driving up and down Mariposa Avenue, blowing through all of the stop signs. The driver had either a towel or bag on his head and was also honking his horn. Disposition not listed.
11:19 p.m., Criminal Threats, Camden Cr. A man reported to police that he had been threatened by someone with a weapon, which he further explained to police was a power drill. The drill wielder allegedly threatened to slap the reporting party before he drove away. Disposition not listed.
11:54 p.m., Assault with Weapon, Shell Gas Station on Greenback Ln. Police were called after a man ran into the gas station with a cut on his arm and said another person was outside running around with a knife. Disposition not listed.
Full logs: July 28 | July 29 | July 30
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Note: The Sentinel compiles summaries of select local police incident bulletins each week as a service to the public, based on data available from CHPD. Police advise that the information included in daily bulletins are summaries of calls for service for each day, with information “deemed confidential” not included in the record. CHPD states that the information noted on its daily bulletins is what was reported to police by callers, or in person, and therefore “may or may not actually reflect the true content of an incident.”