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Citrus Heights Police Logs: arson fire, transient trouble, shoplifting

Latest police logs include reports of an arson fire at a wireless store involving a homeless man, shoplifting at Dollar Tree, and a naked transient woman causing trouble in the men’s restroom at Carl’s Jr.

The following is a summary of select incidents listed in the Citrus Heights Police Department’s daily incident bulletins for Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Additional bulletins for June 19-25 are also linked below.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018: Total of 65 incidents listed
Incident report categories of note: 16 calls regarding suspicious activity, 29 disturbance-related, 5 fraud/forgery calls, 2 homeless-related, 3 collisions, 4 calls concerning petty thefts, no grand thefts, no domestic violence reports.

12:48 a.m., Suspicious Circumstances, Greenback Wood Park. Three suspects were reportedly breaking into various vehicles at the park, one of whom was carrying what was described as a “large object.” The caller had started recording a video of the suspects when they ran off. Disposition listed: unable to locate.

5:20 a.m., Verbal Disturbance, Donut King on Greenback Ln. A caller told police that a woman under the influence of meth, who was also “known to carry knives,” was not allowing them to leave. Disposition listed: assisted.

9:04 a.m., Suspicious Vehicle, HD Supply on Greenback Ln. A man and woman were reportedly living inside two vehicles parked behind HD Supply and had been parked in the same location since the prior day. The pair were believed to be using drugs, and police were told the woman “carries a baseball bat when walking around.” The caller requested the two be shown on their way. Disposition listed: assisted.

9:08 a.m., Suspicious Circumstance, Salishan Apartments on Patricks Ln. An apartment resident dropped by the police department’s front desk and requested to speak with an officer regarding “advice on how to handle situations at home.” Disposition listed: advised.

12:31 p.m., Arson, Cricket Wireless on Madison Ave. A transient in his 40s was reportedly “burning cardboard” at the Cricket Wireless store on Madison Avenue. The incident was listed in the police logs as arson, but no further details were included in the log, apart from a general suspect description. Disposition: arrest.

2:25 p.m., Petty Theft, Dollar Tree on Macy Plaza Dr. Police were contacted after three suspects reportedly shoplifted several items from the store and were seen remaining in the area. Items stolen were described as food, ice cream, snacks and drinks, totaling a loss of $5. Disposition listed: advised

2:42 p.m., Fraud/Forgery, Birdcage Village Apartments on Birdcage St. A caller informed police about a tax fraud incident where the taxpreparer involved had allegedly used a different social security number to file the caller’s taxes. Disposition listed: assisted.

3:35 p.m., Petty Theft, Winlock Ave. A rear license plate was reportedly taken from a red Mazda sedan “sometime in the past 4-5 days.” Disposition listed: report taken.

7:37 p.m., Disturbance Verbal, Carl’s Jr. on San Juan/Greenback. A transient female was reportedly “naked in the men’s bathroom” and was refusing to leave and yelling at staff. Disposition listed: assisted.

Full logs: June 19 | June 20 | June 21 | June 22 | June 23 | June 24 | June 25 | June 26

Looking for local arrest logs? click here

Note: The Sentinel compiles summaries of select local police incident bulletins each week as a service to the public, based on data available from CHPD. Police advise that the information included in daily bulletins are summaries of calls for service for each day, with information “deemed confidential” not included in the record. CHPD states that the information noted on its daily bulletins is what was reported to police by callers, or in person, and therefore “may or may not actually reflect the true content of an incident.”

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