Sentinel staff report–
Citrus Heights drivers who enter a left-hand turn pocket on Auburn Boulevard near Sylvan Corners are currently presented with an unusual dilemma that recently caught the city’s attention.
Currently, drivers entering the turn lane in front of the old Sylvan Middle School find themselves in a turn lane to nowhere, with no legal or safe way out. A now-fenced off driveway leading into the old school site prevents drivers from making a left turn, and a “no U-turn” sign prevents them from turning around.
That leaves unsuspecting drivers with the option of either backing up on the busy boulevard or attempting an illegal U-turn — neither of which are safe options.
In an email to neighborhood association representatives on Tuesday, the city said its Neighborhood Traffic Management Team became aware of the “catch 22” situation and plans to install white delineators to temporarily block off the turn lane.
Leslie Blomquist, the city’s senior civil/traffic engineer, told The Sentinel on Wednesday the changes are slated to be installed in the next few weeks and said the delineators will look the same as the several-foot-tall white markers that were installed recently on Old Auburn Road near Sunrise Boulevard.
She said the changes would be temporary, “until we figure out the new use of that old Sylvan Middle School parcel.” If the driveway stays, the lane would be re-opened. But if it closes, she said the city will look at permanently closing the turn lane.
Related: SJUSD moves forward with plan to sell old Sylvan school site
Jayna Karpinski-Costa, president of a neighborhood association adjacent to the area, told The Sentinel drivers have complained about there being “no way to turn around” on the section of roadway and suggested the city move the turn lane northward and allow for U-turns.
Asked why U-turns are barred at the current location, Blomquist said there isn’t enough room. “The problem is the roadway is not wide enough without having vehicles make a 3-point turn, and we definitely don’t want vehicles doing that on Auburn Boulevard for operational and safety concerns,” she said.
As U-turns are also illegal at the nearest intersection at Kanai Avenue, the closest street that allows for drivers to make a U-turn is at Pratt Avenue, located about a half-mile north on Auburn Boulevard.
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