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Sacramento County seeks community input on senior needs survey

By Hazel Ford–
Through the end of March, Sacramento County is seeking to assess the needs of local seniors through an online survey. The survey is open to adults of any age and takes about 5-10 minutes to complete.

A wide range of topics are covered in the questions, with survey-takers asked for input on health and safety services for those aged 60 and up, options for seniors who no longer drive, and the best way to provide help and care for aging adults — to name a few.

The county says the survey will help local officials assess the feedback provided by the community and make the most beneficial decisions regarding the needs of older adults.

Take the survey: click here

The survey is put out by the Sacramento County Adult and Aging Commission, and the Senior and Adult Services Division of the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Adult and Aging Commission educates and informs the community about the needs and concerns of older and dependent adults, as well as overseeing the adult protective services system. The Senior and Adult Services Division serves local seniors and disabled citizens by providing protection from negligence, abuse, and exploitation.

Survey answers must be submitted by March 31, 2018.

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