Sentinel staff report–
Wondering how the new tax law affects you and your business? The Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce has scheduled an upcoming seminar at city hall to address the new tax law.
The seminar will be held from 8-9:30 a.m. on Feb. 20 in the community room at city hall and will feature speaker John Pandis, a senior tax advisor with H&R Block. Pandis is slated to give a one-hour overview of tax provisions that changed for individuals and businesses under the new tax law, followed by a question-and-answer period.
The event is free for members of the Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce, or $15 for non-members. The Chamber requests those planning to attend RSVP before noon on Feb. 19, by emailing or calling (916) 722-4545.
Cendrinne DeMattei, the local chamber’s new executive director, said the seminar is the first in a series of educational events scheduled for 2018. She said the Chamber began the series last year as “brown bag seminars,” but re-branded the events as “Chamber U” for 2018.
DeMattei said Chamber U events will be held every other month in 2018 and are designed to be “learning seminars where businesses and the community can come in and get informed on topics that affect them.” Typically presentations will last an hour, followed by Q&A.
She said seminars in 2018 will cover a wide array of business topics, with upcoming events including an update on the city’s economic development plan in April, a health and wellness seminar in June, a SMUD presentation on energy saving resources for businesses in August, and a seminar on referral marketing in October that will feature Mickey Griffith of Asentiv Sacramento. Past seminars included social media 101, a cyber security presentation by an FBI agent, and crime prevention tips presented by the Citrus Heights Police Department’s Problem-Oriented Policing Unit.
Chamber U events are hosted by the Chamber of Commerce with support from the City of Citrus Heights, which provides free space for the events at city hall and also annually provides the Chamber with a $10,000 sponsorship from the city’s economic development fund.