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SJUSD seeks community input on proposed sex ed, economics textbooks

Sentinel staff report–
The San Juan Unified School District is inviting community input and review of a variety of proposed instructional materials that are being considered for adoption in courses in the district.

Courses include comprehensive sexual health, as well as cultural anthropology, Japanese, government, and advanced placement courses in both economics and government. Instructional material is for multiple grades, except for the sex education material which is for 5th grade only, according to a posting on the District’s website.

Materials will be available for review through March 2, and the district says “we invite and encourage our community to view the materials and provide feedback,” as part of the instructional material adoption process.

Through Feb. 16, the materials will be on display from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 – 3 p.m., at Choices Charter School, Room 18, located at 4425 Laurelwood Wy. in Sacramento. The display will resume from Feb. 26 through March 2, during the same times. Visitors are asked to check in with Mary Nolan when entering the review room.

San Juan’s curriculum department will also host an evening community showcase at Choices Charter School in Room 15 on Feb. 15 from 6-7:30 p.m. Visitors will be able to view the materials and provide feedback.

Those with related questions are asked to contact Nicole Kukral at, or Paula Baucom at

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