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Letter: Citrus Heights street is full of potholes, dangerous for handicapped

Highland Avenue, Citrus Heights
Highland Avenue connects Sunrise Boulevard and Mariposa Avenue in Citrus Heights. // CH Sentinel

By Dan Egebretsen, Citrus Heights resident–
[RE: Guest Opinion: here’s why our roads are in horrible condition; Jan. 25th]  Our family has lived off of Highland Avenue since 1986. As many know, Highland is a major cut-through from Sylvan Road and Mariposa Avenue to Sunrise Boulevard. When we moved here, Highland Avenue had patches and potholes. In 32 years here, that has not changed.

For the last 20 of those years, my wife has been in a power wheelchair, and trips for her to the store can be interesting to say the least. Most of the street does not have sidewalks, and the parts that do are not ADA compliant — since the telephone poles are planted right in the middle of the sidewalk, forcing her to go into the street and around parked cars. This is especially dangerous on the blind hill by the Methodist church. Somehow, she and other wheelchair-bound neighbors haven’t been killed yet by cars speeding over the hill.

We’ve seen Auburn Boulevard redone several times, frequently to the detriment of local business owners. We’ve seen side streets such as Pacheco Way repaved, but nothing has been done about Highland Avenue. Is it going to take the death of a handicapped person before anything is done?

Phone calls have not even garnered a response, and written letters have been ignored. Is this how the City of Citrus Heights works… beautify the main roads, and to hell with the rest?

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