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Waste pickup for Citrus Heights residents to be delayed one day, thru Jan. 8

Garbage and recycling containers, Citrus Heights. // CH Sentinel

Sentinel staff report–
If you notice your trash or recycling isn’t picked up after setting out collection containers at the curb during the holiday season, don’t worry. It will be picked up the following day.

Due to trash and recycling pickup being cancelled on both Christmas and New Year’s Day, the City of Citrus Heights and Republic Services are advising residents that all waste collection containers will be picked up one day later for the next two weeks, from Dec. 25 through Jan. 8, 2018.

See holiday trash calendar: click here.

That means residents who normally have collection day on Tuesday will have their pickup day be on Wednesday, and those with a regular collection day of Wednesday will have their garbage and recycling be picked up Thursday, and so on.

Republic Services, which handles waste collection for the City of Citrus Heights, will also be recycling live Christmas trees from Dec. 26 through Jan. 12th. Live trees — excluding flocked or decorated trees — can be placed at the curbside next to trash collection bins for free pickup. Live trees can also be cut into pieces and placed in green bins anytime.

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