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Citrus Heights man arrested by police for allegedly stealing package from porch

Porch pirate suspect
Mackenzie Tyler Graydon, suspect. // Image courtesy, Roseville PD

Sentinel staff report–
A 26-year-old Citrus Heights man was arrested Tuesday after an undercover officer spotted him stealing a package from a front porch in the neighboring city of Roseville, authorities said in a Dec. 20 news release.

Roseville police said the suspect, MacKenzie Tyler Graydon, sped away from officers, ran a red light, and nearly collided with another vehicle, before being pulled over and detained on Cirby Way near Oakmont High School. A search of his SUV resulted in the discovery of stolen packages from several addresses in Citrus Heights and Roseville, one of which contained Christmas presents for a child, police said.

Graydon was arrested and taken to the Placer County Jail on suspicion of theft, reckless driving, possession of heroin and other related charges, the news release said. His vehicle was also towed and officers returned packages to their intended recipients.

Roseville police said their department has implemented a “holiday safety plan” which includes extra uniformed and undercover officers to keep an eye on retail and residential areas for theft and other criminal activity. Police in Citrus Heights also have programs in force to combat theft, including a “bait” program which is credited with leading to felony arrests of more than 100 suspects this year.

Related: Police ‘bait’ items have led to over 100 felony arrests in Citrus Heights this year

Police advise that the best defense against “porch pirates” is to track and schedule deliveries to ensure someone is home when packages arrive. Another recommended option is to arrange for a neighbor to pick the items up right away, or have packages held for pickup at a secure location, like an Amazon locker, police said.

Related: See latest local police logs or click here to see latest arrest logs

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