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Read all 31 action items planned for Auburn Boulevard

The Auburn Boulevard Business Association unveiled a 31-point action plan on Nov. 14, seeking to enhance the high-traffic corridor and make the area a “destination point.” Action items focus on three main areas of focus: maintenance and security, land use and advocacy, and marketing-related aspects.

Related article: 31-point action plan unveiled for Auburn Blvd; funding questions remain

The full list of action items are published below, taken from an action plan brochure produced by ABBA and consultants with MMS Strategies.

Maintenance and Security:

  1. Work with properties to identify ongoing nuisance issues.
  2. Work closely with Code Enforcement to address issues created by nuisance properties.
  3. Collaborate with the city traffic engineer to identify traffic calming opportunities and location of additional crosswalks
  4. Work with Citrus Heights Police Department on speed enforcement.
  5. Implement best practices in delivering maintenance services for the Corridor.
  6. Explore ways to provide additional security to patrol the Corridor to reduce crime and related transient issues. This can be done by funding off-duty police officers or contracting with a private firm.
  7. ABBA should coordinate with Citrus Heights PD on programs to curb theft/drug use in the Corridor.
  8. ABBA could explore grants to purchase Police Operation Devices (POD cameras).
  9. Work with the city to explore hiring a dedicated Navigator for the Corridor.
  10. ABBA should coordinate litter removal, weed abatement and bulky item removal in the Corridor by: reporting issues to the city, coordinate community litter pick-up days or hire contract maintenance.
  11. Hold workshops for property and business owners to educate and encourage crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). This includes best practices for lighting, landscaping, removing unsecured outside electrical outlets/water faucets, etc. that reduce crime opportunities.
  12. Prepare an information brochure that explains how to report issues such as graffiti, illegal dumping, illegal camping, etc.
  13. Work with business and property owners in the Corridor to collect signed Notice of Agency forms to streamline the ability to issue trespass notices.

Land Use and Advocacy:

  1. Monitor state and local policies/bills.
  2. Work with code enforcement to identify out of compliance properties, both health and safety as well as lighting and signage.
  3. Market and encourage the use of the facade/signage improvement grants offered by the city.
  4. Share information with property owners about the changes made to the city’s planning and zoning to create flexible standards for building design, orientation and zoning.
  5. Identify vacant for sale/rent properties to:
    1. Post these properties on the ABBA website.
    2. Disseminate electronically (newsletter/social media).
    3. Create a one-pager to show neighboring amenities as a selling point for the properties.
    4. Generate interest in properties by placing articles in local media outlets.
  6. Work with Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) and the city to identify grant opportunities to improve the Corridor.
  7. Form a Business Recruitment Committee that includes brokers and business leaders to work together to fill the vacant properties. Conduct a Market Analysis and create the necessary marketing materials.


  1. Create opportunities for quarterly special events, including events featuring ABBA businesses.
  2. Create a plan to create more public art and urban places in the Corridor.
  3. Create a monthly electronic newsletter.
  4. Create a database of business and property owner email listing.
  5. Create a brand fro the Corridor (logo, tagline, website, etc.).
  6. Ensure brand consistency.
  7. Monthly website updates (agendas, news articles, vacancies, etc.).
  8. Create a welcome kit for new businesses.
  9. Actively create additional news and editorial coverage about the Corridor’s renewal efforts, completed projects, and opportunities.
  10. Develop a marketing plan and materials such as a website, social media, flyers, street banners and monument signs.
  11. Take advantage of the Auburn Boulevard history, both the unique history of the properties and its former life as Route 40.
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