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Citrus Heights police seek to locate suspected drug dealer

Citrus Heights
Hwan Jordan. // Image credit: CHPD

Sentinel staff report–
Several photos of a wanted drug dealer suspect were released by Citrus Heights police Wednesday evening and authorities believe the suspect is likely in the area of Citrus Heights or North Highlands.

In a brief statement accompanying the photos, police identified the man as 45-year-old Hwan Jordan and said a warrant has been issued for his arrest in connection with a local drug investigation. Jordan is wanted for allegedly violating California’s Health and Safety code, regarding the “import, sale, and transportation of a controlled substance,” police said.

Anyone with information about Jordan’s whereabouts is asked to contact the police department’s non-emergency line at: (916) 727-5500, and reference case #17-08617. Additional photos of Hwan Jordan can be viewed by clicking here. Latest Citrus Heights arrest logs can be accessed by clicking here.

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