*Note: in the interest of fostering civic awareness and participation, The Sentinel will now feature a bi-weekly, easy-to-understand summary of upcoming council meetings, along with a short update of noteworthy votes taken during the most recent council meeting.
The Citrus Heights city council’s upcoming Oct. 12 council meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at city hall. Here’s a brief summary of what’s on schedule, followed by vote highlights from the Sept. 28 council meeting:
- Volunteer recognition: A presentation will be made in recognition of volunteers within Citrus Heights. A reception from 6-7 p.m. at city hall will also precede the council meeting.
- Domestic violence: The city council is scheduled to officially proclaim October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
- Top 20 best photos: Staff will present the top 20 best photos of Citrus Heights that were submitted through social media to the city as part of Citrus Heights’ 20th anniversary celebration.
- Public hearings: none scheduled.
- Transportation funds: City staff have recommended the council approve a Transportation Development Act funding claim authorization, enabling the city to claim $3.75 million for fiscal year 2017-18. The majority of funds, $3 million, comes from a one-quarter cent transportation sales tax, in effect since 1972.
- Repeal and replace History & Arts program: City staff recommend repealing provisions in the city code for the Citrus Heights History & Arts Commission, which was originally established by the city in 2001. The commission would be replaced with a competitive grant program for funding arts and history-related projects in the city.
- City executive payrates: The city manager is recommending the council approve proposed executive management classifications and salary ranges for two positions. Positions listed are: assistant city manager (pay range: $157,000-$208,000), and community services director ($150,000-$198,000).
- SB 1/Gas Tax: The general services department will give an update on transportation funding related to SB 1, often referred to as the “gas tax” bill.
- CHPD Report: The police department will introduce its Property and Evidence Team.
See full agenda packet: click here.
*Note: votes listed are based on the city clerk’s draft meeting minutes.
Present: Mayor Jeff Slowey, Jeannie Bruins, Bret Daniels, Albert Fox, Steve Miller
Meeting length: 2 hours.
- Electric vehicle charging (Consent, 5-0). Second reading to adopt an ordinance related to an expedited permitting process for electric vehicle charging stations.
- Land Surveying Contract (Consent, 5-0) TLA Engineering & Planning and R.E.Y. Engineers, Inc. were awarded contracts with the city for on-call land surveying services
- $300k Stadium funding (Regular, passed 5-0). Approve Sunrise MarketPlace’s $300,000 Development Fund application for 2,500-seat pop-up stadium. (See full story for more)
Quotable: “Thank you for nobody in the audience taking a knee during our flag salute.” – Mayor Jeff Slowey, following the Pledge of Allegiance.
Surveillance drones: A study session on the topic of surveillance drones was also held prior to the Sept. 28 city council meeting. According to the draft meeting minutes, Citrus Heights Police Lt. Ryan Kinnan “provided an overview on small unmanned aerial systems (UAS). He spoke about the advantages that a UAS has to offer, such as helping with traffic and crime scene photography, disaster responses, and a variety of tactical situations. He provided a summary of the different types of UAS and reviewed the Federal Aviation Administration Laws.”
According to Councilman Bret Daniels, police use of drones in Citrus Heights has the “full support” of council members. Although no action is taken during study sessions, the council is typically presented with a related action item within six months of a study session occurring.