By Hazel Ford–
Care about local water issues? The Citrus Heights Water District is forming a volunteer advisory committee made up of local customers to help develop long-term plans for the future of the water district.
A district news release says members of its new Customer Advisory Committee “will gain valuable insight while sharing individual expertise and experience within a structured, yet flexible, series of meetings on issues that will affect the community for the next generation.” The district says seats on the committee are ideal for those who “geek out” over infrastructure or consider themselves to be “water-wise gurus.”
The advisory committee will be composed of 17 customers from across the district who will work with water district staff and technical consultants to provide input and formulate plans for replacing aging water mains and water meters within the district’s service area, known as “Project 2030.” The committee will also be charged with proposing recommendations to the water district’s board of directors, according to the news release.
Advisory committee meetings will be held in the early evenings and will be under two hours in length, the district says on its website.
The Citrus Heights Water District has been serving the area since 1920 and maintains over 270 miles of water mains that range in size from four to 42 inches. The district is governed by a three-member elected board, which currently oversees an operating budget of $9.9 million and a capital improvement budget of $5.85 million.
About two-thirds of Citrus Heights residents and businesses are served by CHWD, which provides an estimated 67,000 customers with fresh drinking water via 19,600 water service connections. As the district’s boundaries are not defined by city limits, some portions of Citrus Heights are covered by neighboring water districts — and some portions of Sacramento County and Placer County are included in the water district’s service area.
Those interested in serving on the advisory committee are invited to submit an application online or deliver it to the district’s office at 6230 Sylvan Rd. The deadline to apply is Nov. 13th.
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