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Letters: red light cameras, jaywalking, pedestrian barrier fence

Citrus Heights traffic laws, red light cameras
A traffic sign on Sunrise Boulevard advises drivers that Citrus Heights traffic laws are strictly enforced. One method used by police in the city is red light cameras. // CH Sentinel

Latest letters and comments from readers focused on varying perspectives on pedestrian safety as well as the city’s move to add more red light cameras in Citrus Heights, with some claiming the cameras enhance safety and others claiming the cameras are money-grabbers that increase rear-end accidents.

Tax money better spent on repairing streets, not barrier fences
[RE: “City pursues barrier fence to reduce pedestrian collisions near Greenback/Auburn,” June 24]  I simply don’t subscribe to this notion that the city must assume responsibility for protecting thoughtless, risk-taking people from injuring themselves. There’s a law against jaywalking, so let’s improve its enforcement. Meanwhile, the sight of long stretches of utility fencing blighting our streets diminishes the impression of a safe and welcoming community. Taxpayer money would be better spent on repairing our crumbling neighborhood streets… a worthy project we could all benefit from.
Thomas Fox, Citrus Heights

Red light camera systems are a joke
[RE: “Citrus Heights to add more red light cameras at intersections, but do they work?,” July 23]  This is a joke. There are so many millions of people that don’t even put plates on the front of their car so they can purposely run through red lights, or — like my neighbor — she’s had her car for three years and she still has the plate from the dealer on it because she loves to run red lights and speed. There’s also the people that have those covers over their plate so it makes it blurry if the camera takes a picture. It’s a joke. The system is a joke. They don’t ever do anything about it. People drive around with their tags expire for years at a time and they never get pulled over.
Annette Asplund, Citrus Heights

From Facebook:

Kelly K. — They do work! I have had two red-light tickets in Citrus Heights. I totally was surprised because I thought I was completely stopping on a right-hand turn. It has made me drive more cautiously especially after paying almost $1,000 in fines. And they really can’t scam you out of any money because they have it on video tape. You can view the video and then decide whether or not to fight it.

Keri L. — They don’t work. I have witnessed dozens of these cameras just go off when it is their own green light or just go off when no one is there. It does not serve the purpose of safety, just a money grabber.

Marty C. — My opinion is let’s put more officers on staff and lower unemployment. I’ve seen traffic violations happen right in front of current officers and because there is not enough on staff, the smaller violations get overlooked for more serious crimes. Citrus Heights police rock; there just aren’t enough of them. I would prefer officers over cameras.

Dawn Y. — I’ve been rear-ended because of them! So you pay money if you don’t stop and you pay with your neck/back if you do!

Laurie L. — Why the increase in injury accidents where cameras are? People don’t want to run the light and get fined, so they stop quickly — causing the person in the car behind them to rear-end them because they planned on running the light.

Dustin E. — Makes sense for left hand turns, complete money grab for people making a right hand turn.

Mary K. — I am all for it. I am sick and tired of the red light runners.

Beverly C. — Thankfully I see Citrus Heights as a “stepping stone”, and things like this are why this city can’t be in my bigger goals in life. Citrus Heights has been a learning tool of things to avoid when our next chapter starts. For now, I’ll get my kids through school… but, I can’t see this place being long term. Even Roseville knew when to put tax paying residents above a cash grab. I’ve seen those lights go off when cars don’t move, or for wrong direction. Maybe officers doing their jobs would be better? I’ve seen bicycle riders or jaywalkers in front of police cars driving down the road

Aimee P. — They don’t really work, but hopefully it will help deter some of the people. Citrus Heights seems like one of the worst places for red light offenders but this is a nice revenue generating scheme for the city I suppose.

Colleen A. — I don’t even run a yellow light because of these. It works for me.

William E. — They don’t work. They’re unconstitutional. I got a ticket from avoiding a rear-end collision. Had to pull forward when a van almost rear ended me; I still stopped, but was over the line. Plus the cross walk markings were so faded away couldn’t see where the line to stop was. Went to fight the ticket after watching my video at the police station. They didn’t care. Also, if you plead not guilty to the ticket they make you prepay the fine before you go to court $500. If you win, they say they have up to 3 months to pay you back your money. So this is pure manipulation by legal system to make it hard for a person to fight it. Then, your car insurance goes up for the points on your license. It’s a win-win for insurance companies and municipalities. The police should issue tickets not cameras. Then, when you go to court you can face your accuser. Refute your case in court with a person. Those cameras are money makers. They also have been re-calibrating the seconds between yellow and red lights, shaving off milliseconds based on your speed to increase the percentage of issuing more tickets. Hasn’t anyone ever notice how fast a yellow light advances?

Kris H. — They’re a waste of time, and just make people put their foot through the floor board to try to get through that light! And gonna get more people either hurt severely or worse…

Matt S. — I stop at red lights so they don’t bother me. I think it does work as a deterrent.

Alex G. — Money grab for the city that’s all. No real public safety value. They’ve just found another revenue stream instead of raising property taxes or sales tax.

Chris F. — No, they should not be installed and the current ones need to be removed. They are not safe and not voted on by the residents.

Yuriy G. — One reason I am glad I moved away from those after paying over $1k in fines.

Ted P. — They can install as many as they want as far as I’m concerned. And the warning signs? Get rid of them.

Jim L. — Terrible… they often encourage drivers to speed up and blast through the intersection, and the fines are outrageously expensive.

Read all the comments or share your own on The Sentinel’s Facebook page. Letters can also be submitted for publication by clicking here.

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