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Here’s the ‘Top 20’ oldest businesses in Citrus Heights

Oldest businesses
During a May 11 council meeting, the city released this list of 20 oldest businesses in Citrus Heights. // Credit: City of Citrus Heights

Updated 11:24 p.m., July 10 —
Wondering what the oldest businesses are in Citrus Heights?

During a May 11 council meeting, city staff unveiled a community-generated list of the top 20 oldest, still-standing, businesses in Citrus Heights — with Harris Industrial Gases coming in as the oldest business, first opening on Auburn Boulevard in 1936. Others on the list include Hall’s Furniture on Mariposa Avenue, opened in 1946, as well as Walt’s Auto Service and The Lodge Coffee Shop, both opening on Auburn Boulevard in the 1950’s.

The list is based on a community survey from 2016 and is part of the city’s year-long celebration commemorating 20 years of cityhood. Each month, the city has unveiled a new “Top 20” list, with prior lists including top 20 leaders, and top 20 neighborhood projects.

The full list of businesses and dates of opening are included below.

Update: Citrus Heights Preschool on Old Auburn Road reportedly opened in 1970, the same year as Sunrise Mall. Sylvan Cemetery on Auburn Boulevard also dates back to 1862.

Additional businesses missing from the list can be submitted by clicking here.

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