Guest opinion column by Jim Monteton–
From 1862 to 1974, land was donated by different families to provide for a cemetery in Sylvan – later called Citrus Heights. The property has grown from half an acre to over 19 acres.
By 1926 the county had changed the ‘Cemetery’ into the Sylvan Cemetery District, one of three Independent Special Districts in Sacramento County. Each special district is responsible for its management and operation, governed by a Board of Trustee that are appointed by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors.
Looking at the present usage rate of the land that is Sylvan Cemetery, it is estimated that the cemetery will still be in operation for 10 to 15 more years. After that, it will be simply a maintained closed cemetery.
Families in Citrus Heights go back to the 1850’s. Many families still wish to have Sylvan Cemetery available as a final resting place. Unfortunately, the 19 acres will be used up quickly and many will have to make other plans.
There is a solution.
With the closing of Sylvan Middle School and the projected sale of the land, Sylvan Cemetery has hoped to be considered in the division of that 13-acre property. The cemetery does not need all the school property, just a few acres. In fact, with the southern boundary of the cemetery being adjacent to the school property, it would only require a redrawing of the property line for the school property and the cemetery.
Related: City makes formal step toward buying old Sylvan Middle School property
As in the past, Sylvan Cemetery would hope that the final property owner could see its way to donating the space needed to maintain the cemetery for at least another 30 years.
Jim Monteton is the chairman of the Sylvan Cemetery Board of Trustees. Guest opinion columns and letters to the editor can be submitted online for publication at the following link: citrusheightssentinel.com/submit-news