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Video shows off new Citrus Heights city hall, dedication

A new video uploaded to Youtube by Sacramento Metro Cable 14 this week highlights various shots of the newly completed city hall building in Citrus Heights.

The short, minute-long video includes views from inside and outside the new 35,000-square-foot building, as well as footage from a dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony held on Aug. 25.

Council members approved the $22 million project in March of 2015, with the final cost of the project coming in under budget at $21.3 million. The City paid for the building in cash, without incurring any debt.

The new hall officially opened for business on Aug. 9 and is located at 6360 Fountain Square Dr., across from the police department.

>>See night-view image of city hall here, or see prior story for more: New Citrus Heights city hall dedication draws crowd for ‘momentous occasion’

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