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Citrus Heights Police Logs: April 26-28

Latest Citrus Heights police logs in April include stolen vehicles, a ketchup-throwing transient, and several vandalism incidents.

The following is a summary of select incidents listed in the Citrus Heights Police Department’s daily incident bulletins, from April 26 to April 28, 2016:

April 26, 2016: Total of 52 incidents listed.
Incident report categories of note: 10 disturbance-related, 6 homeless-related, 5 burglaries, 3 petty thefts, 4 assault reports, 2 stolen vehicles reported.

11:37 a.m., Brandishing weapon, Peoria Dr. Police were advised that a man had a knife and shotgun pulled on him.

3:21 p.m., Assault, Greenback Ln. A bearded man in his 60s reportedly became upset with another customer at Loree’s Little Shack on Greenback Lane and threw him to the ground. The caller wanted to file charges. The incident was reportedly recorded on video surveillance.

4:46 p.m., Verbal disturbance, Sunrise Blvd. A caller reported that a light blue Kia had followed and tailgated her and also “screeched brakes” in front of her vehicle. She said the driver was a man in his mid-20s, driving a light blue Kia. He also reportedly smiled at her and yelled profanities.

April 27, 2016: Total of 39 incidents listed.
Incident report categories of note: 9 disturbance-related, 7 homeless-related, 6 burglaries, 1 petty theft, 1 assault report, 0 stolen vehicles reported.

1:51 a.m., Brandishing weapon, Birdcage Village Apartments. A man was reportedly standing outside of the apartments “swinging a knife around and holding a gallon of milk.”

10:48 a.m., Vandalism, Pacheco Wy. A caller reported that the side door to their garage had been “kicked in again.” Entry had only been made to the garage, not the main house.

5:00 p.m., Verbal disturbance, McDonald’s on Madison Av. Police were advised by CHP that a transient “was throwing ketchup packets” at a man who had called 911. The line had disconnected after the caller said he was going to “take down” the transient until police arrived.

April 28, 2016: Total of 42 incidents listed.
Incident report categories of note: 15 disturbance-related, 8 homeless-related, 1 burglary, 4 petty thefts, 2 assault reports, 3 stolen vehicles reported.

9:01 a.m., Stolen vehicle, San Juan Park. A caller reported seeing a female slip a “slim jim” into a vehicle in the parking lot of San Juan Park on Mariposa Avenue. She then “hotwired” the vehicle and drove off.

12:34 p.m., Petty theft, Poppy Wy. A man reportedly stole several trash cans full of recyclables from a carport and fled in a black Honda Civic.

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Links to full police logs: April 26, 2016 | April 27, 2016 | April 28, 2016

Note: The Sentinel compiles summaries of local police incident bulletins as a service to the public, based on data available from CHPD. Police advise that the information included in daily bulletins are summaries of calls for service for each day, with information “deemed confidential” not included in the record. CHPD states that the information noted on its daily bulletins is what was reported to police by callers, or in person, and therefore “may or may not actually reflect the true content of an incident; as it will be verified at the time an officer responds to determine actual facts and circumstances.”

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