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Emergency preparedness event set for April 30 at Sunrise Mall

Sunrise Mall and the Citrus Town Center will be home to a family-friendly emergency preparedness event this Saturday, promising free training, presentations and a live earthquake simulator.

The free event is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on April 30, in both the Sunrise Mall parking lot and at the nearby Citrus Town Center, located across the street at the corner of Greenback Lane and Sunrise Boulevard.

According to the event’s website,, emergency information will be split up into five 20-30 minute Q&A presentations, which will repeat throughout the day. Presentations will cover emergencies involving pets, family, workplace and school violence, seniors and special needs groups, as well as small businesses.

Along with presentations will be live demonstrations from top disaster response teams in the region. The demonstrations will range from learning how to use a fire extinguisher to a experiencing a live earthquake in a “Quake Cottage” simulation machine.

More details about the event, including a volunteer sign-up form, can be found on the Dare to Prepare Day website. The event is presented by the Sunrise Marketplace, with support from a variety of other organizations and agencies.

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