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Citrus Heights city hall moving to temp Auburn Blvd location this week

Citrus Heights temporary city hall, auburn blvd, grand oaks. Photo by Luke Otterstad
The new temporary home for Citrus Heights City Hall will be located in the Grand Oaks Shopping Center on Auburn Boulevard.

Citrus Heights’ city hall offices will be relocating to a 12,500 square feet temporary facility on Auburn Boulevard this month, closing doors to the public after July 2 and reopening at the new location on July 13.

The move comes after city council members approved a plan in March to tear down the existing city hall on Fountain Square Drive and allow Dignity Health to construct a three-story medical office building in its place, with a new $22 million city hall to be constructed just a block away next to the Post Office.

The temporary location for city hall will be at 7927 Auburn Blvd in the Grand Oaks Shopping Center, near Rusch Park. The location was preferred due to its size, commercial location and convenient access, according to an April report to the council by City Facilities and Landscape Manager Chris Meyers.

[Related: Council votes 5-0 for new city hall & MOB; lawsuit threatened]

As previously reported on The Sentinel, the 13-month lease agreement for the temporary hall will cost a total of about $190,000 and includes an option for up to three two-month extensions, according Meyers. Although the new city hall is expected to be completed in 12 to 14 months, the extension options allow for any delays in the process, according to Monica Alejandrez with the city manager’s office.

While staff transition to the temporary location, city hall will operate out of the Citrus Heights Community Center from July 6 to 10, according to a news release issued by the City.

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