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Giving Thanks: Local biz offers free coffee to all in uniform

Hot Java Cafe in Citrus Heights says it’s giving thanks by “giving back” this year, with free coffee for nurses, firefighters, police and any other uniformed profession, through Thanksgiving.

Hot Java Cafe in Citrus Heights.
Hot Java Cafe in Citrus Heights.

Located near the corner of Auburn Boulevard and Greenback Lane for the past 17 years, owner Katie Almendariz says the family-owned drive-thru has always sought to give special thanks to those who serve in public safety – but decided to open the offer this year to security guards, nurses and other uniformed professions as well.

Almendariz says the free coffee offer works on trust, without any rigid rules for proving a customer works in a qualifying uniformed profession, and free coffee-seekers don’t have to show up in work clothes.

Other local coffee drive-thru’s have also sought to show support for those in public safety, like Dutch Bros., whose Sacramento-area locations gave a day’s worth of proceeds to families of two slain law enforcement officers last month.

Not without strings, Hot Java’s free coffee is only offered from 4-6 p.m. through November 28, although those seeking a free boost this Saturday and Sunday can get a free coffee all day, as well as on Thanksgiving Day from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., according to Almendariz. The offer also doesn’t apply for specialty drinks, and she recommends bringing a cup to fill –though not required.

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