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Free composting workshop hosted in Citrus Heights

Updated Nov. 17, 12:45 p.m. —
Got piles of leaves in your yard? Why not try composting them?

Leaves, rake, leaf pile. Photo credit: Luke Otterstad
Stock photo. Citrus Heights Sentinel

A free workshop taught by UC Davis Master Gardeners at the Sylvan Ranch Community Garden offers training on “anything and everything about composting,” as well as free “backyard composting kits” for all attendees, according to organizers.

Offered twice a year by Republic Services on behalf of the City of Citrus Heights, Recycling Coordinator Jordan Chernesky says anyone is welcome to attend — from compost experts, to those who’ve never heard of it. He said past attendees have come with a wide range of skill levels, but all have come away with “something new or valuable.”

The recycling coordinator says the workshop is “especially good” this time of year, due to the amount of leaves falling in yards – which he says can turn into good soil for use in spring gardens, if composted properly.

Composting classes will also be offered in June and November 2015, according to Chernesky.

Composting Workshop
November 15, 2014 — 1 p.m.
Sylvan Community Garden
7450 Stock Ranch Rd.
Citrus Heights, CA 95621

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