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Volunteer Work Day Held for Historic Rusch Home

Updated Oct. 11, 9:15 p.m. —
Citrus Heights’ Rusch Home got a free face-lift inside and out, as community workers were invited to volunteer at the historic landmark on Saturday morning.

Rusch home in Citrus Heights. Photo credit: Nadia Otterstad
The Rusch Home in Citrus Heights is tucked away on the side of Antelope Road, holding a unique part of the city’s history.

Organizers with the Sunrise Recreation and Park District said the day’s activities included rosebush trimming, mulching, painting, small landscaping and irrigation projects, weeding, raking and some work on the interior of the home — topped off with a thank-you barbeque for volunteers.

Located at 7301 Antelope Rd., next to Rusch Park, the 1,712 square feet home was built in 1914 and is located on a 2-acre private garden setting. Due to its unique and historical significance, organizers say upkeep of the property requires extra levels of detailed maintenance and relies on the help of volunteers to stay presentable.

A video documentary detailing the Home’s history can be seen below:

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