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Local Elections: Two Upcoming Forums for City Council Race

Want to know more about who’s running for Citrus Heights city council this year?

With candidate forums set for October 11 and October 16, voters in Citrus Heights will soon have a chance to learn more about the five candidates running for three city council seats in the November 4 election.

Citrus Heights city council signs, election 2014
Signs for candidates in the Citrus Heights city council race are seen outside Walmart on Auburn Boulevard.

Contestants include current council members Jeannie Bruins, Mel Turner and Steve Miller, with businessman Tim Schaefer and homemaker Bridget Duffy entering the race this year, both known for their public opposition to moving city hall.

The first forum has been organized by the Sacramento League of Women Voters, and will be a one-hour event held at the Board of Supervisors chambers in Sacramento, with live stream video available on Metro Cable 14. Candidates will respond to various questions offered by a panel of media members and the League, and will also be offered one-minute opening and closing statements.

The second forum is set for October 16 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Citrus Heights city council chambers, and is hosted by the Residents’ Empowerment Association of Citrus Heights (REACH), a non-partisan organization led by the city’s neighborhood association leaders. The forum will be moderated by Dr. Danielle Joesten from the Department of Government at California State University, Sacramento.

The deadline to register to vote in this year’s election is October 20.

Candidate Forums:
Citrus Heights City Council

Sponsor: League of Women Voters
Saturday, October 11, 2014
1:30 p.m.
Board of Supervisor Chambers (or live online:
Sacramento, CA 95814

Sponsor: Residents’ Empowerment Association of Citrus Heights
Thursday, October 16, 2014
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
City Council chambers
7117 Greenback Ln.
Citrus Heights, CA 95621

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