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Neighborhood ‘Meet & Greet’ BBQ Brings Community Together

A weekend neighborhood association barbecue in Citrus Heights drew about two dozen neighbors together for burgers, brats and a question and answer time with Vice Mayor Sue Frost.

Residents of the Sunrise Ranch Neighborhood enjoy some food and discussion during a weekend barbecue.

Held at the corner of Twin Oaks and Mariposa Avenue on the Twin Oaks Baptist Church lawn, organizer Doyle Champlain said Saturday’s event was designed as a way for residents to “meet and greet” their neighbors, with guests invited to bring their families — and a side dish.

Blending in amidst a table of residents, the Vice Mayor was invited to share an update with group towards the end of the event, mentioning an upcoming candidate forum on October 16 for the five people running for three seats on the Citrus Heights city council. She also answered questions about the effort to build a new city hall as well as problems with homelessness in the city, although she questioned whether solving homelessness lies within the proper role of government rather than being an issue handled best by private charity.

The community social was hosted by the Sunrise Ranch Neighborhood Area 6, one of 11 different neighborhood areas that make up Citrus Heights. The group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month to discuss and resolve neighborhood issues, grab some coffee and sweets, and invite various City officials to speak on a variety of topics affecting the community. During the meetings, monthly crime reports and updates are also provided by a Problem Oriented Policing officer with the Citrus Heights Police Department.

The Sunrise Ranch Neighborhood covers the area of Citrus Heights from Old Auburn Road to the Roseville border, and is bounded by Sunrise Boulevard on the East and Auburn Boulevard on the West.  The Area represents about 1600 homes, as well as some apartments, trailer parks and businesses, according to the Neighborhood’s blog.

Neighborhood Association mapCitrus Heights’ Neighborhood Associations were designed to help encourage local involvement, improve the quality of life, and give residents a way to make their voice heard. Unlike a homeowner’s association those involved do not have to pay any dues or own a home, and anyone living, working, or owning property in Citrus Heights can get involved.

Those interested in connecting with any of the various Neighborhood Associations can find out more on the City’s website.

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